Immigrating to Canada through marriage

Canada : Marriage

Immigrating to Canada through marriage
Queen Support

Immigrating to Canada through marriage

Immigrating to Canada through marriage is sponsored by a spouse who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen in Canada.

Before entering into the discussion and explaining the terms, it is not in vain to define the spouse from the point of view of Canadian law; This concept includes three categories of people:

1) Spesese: Married and legal spouse

2): Common law partner (these people live together in the same place for at least 1 year).

3- conjugal partner: Another definition of a partner in which the couple does not necessarily live in the same place according to circumstances, but have a marital relationship with each other.

It should also be added that the partner in these definitions also includes people of the same sex.

Another point is that a person who is going to be married in the future and is not currently married does not fall into these definitions and they can not immigrate in this way as a sponsor or sponsor.
Immigrating to Canada by marriage:

To apply for residency in this way, both the sponsored person and the sponsor who must apply to immigrate to Canada through their spouse must meet certain requirements.

1) Conditions that the sponsor must have:

1. Be a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident of that country.

2- Must be at least 18 years old.

3. Be able to support his or her spouse in Canada for at least three years; Of course, this condition is if the sponsored person or the person applying to immigrate to Canada through his / her own marriage is not financially able to support himself / herself.

An important point that should not be overlooked in this section is that if in these three years the person applying for immigration through marriage receives financial assistance from the government or according to the text of the social assistance law, the sponsor is obliged to pay all these costs. .

Also, the next important point is that if during these three years, the two sponsors and the sponsored person separate from each other, and in other words, their marital relationship breaks down, the sponsor is still responsible for his living expenses until the end of this period.

4. Have not been convicted of sexual offenses, intimidation, crimes against persons, or domestic violence in or around Canada. Unless he has been acquitted, rehabilitated, served his sentence and has served 5 years.

5. Must reside in Canada or commit to the Government of Canada When the sponsor comes to Canada as a permanent resident, he / she also resides in Canada.

6. When making this request, he has no other spouse or partner.

7- During the last 5 years, another person has not sponsored through marriage. In other words, this condition can be expressed as a restriction that a person who sponsors his spouse can not sponsor another spouse for another 5 years. (In case of separation, death and…)

8. The sponsor is not indebted to the Government of Canada for its sponsorship obligations.

9. Must sign and pledge to the Government of Canada and the sponsored person that he or she sponsors his or her spouse for up to three years.

2) Sponsored person

    Be at least 16 years old.
    Declare that you are aware of your obligations to your spouse and to the Government of Canada. It is as if he is doing his best to gain financial independence.

(Available at:

It should not be overlooked that after the applicant has received permanent residence in Canada, they must have been living with the sponsor for two years, if this is not the case even after the end of these two years of residence. It will be annulled and he will leave the country. (That is, after two years, they realize that they were separated during the first two years of their lives.

And the last and most important point is that the marriage must have taken place in a real way, that is, when sending the documents to the immigration office, you must be careful to prove to the visa officer that the applicant is a real spouse or partner, and only They do not apply for permanent residency in the United States. To this end, when filing with the Swedish Migration Agency, one of the most important documents that must be sent is evidence that proves the couple's real relationship. Documents such as family photos, messages and letters, gifts and…

Also, issues such as the age difference between the couple, differences in religion and language can make the visa officer doubt that this marriage is not real, which results in the Canadian government not accepting such people to apply for visas.

As in any period of time, even after the permanent residence and the period during which the couple must live together in the Government of Canada, the Government of Canada realizes that the documents are forged and the marriage is not real, the permanent residence will be void.

Retrieved from the Canadian Government Immigration Web site: (

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